Siteimprove changes: FAQs

(Note: This page will be continually updated as new information becomes available. It was last updated on 7/23/24.)

What is changing?

Berkeley will soon migrate to our own Siteimprove acccount. Currently, we share an account with the entire UC system, which has resulted in some limitations and sluggish performance. Our goal is to improve the experience creating and sharing accessible website content and improving your site's accessibility. We believe these efforts can support these goals.

When will this happen?

On October 14, 2024, we will transition to Berkeley’s own Siteimprove account. 

What do I need to do?

Keep working to create new accessible content and remediating  your site(s)'s existing content using the current Siteimprove login. If you are new to Siteimprove, we invite you to take a moment to review the How to use Siteimprove page.

If you have urgent concerns, please email We invite you to share your concerns if you have them, and we are grateful for your partnership.

What will change?

  • New Login and access
    • New login URL:  Link provided just prior to launch
    • Previously, the initial login created a Location Learner account with no access to reports. You will not have to submit a support request form to get access to reports for your site(s). 
  • Roles
    • User: Because Users will have access to all the sites, people with the User role will have view-only access to most content.  You will be able to schedule and manage automated reporting.
    • Power User: We are adding a new Power User role, which will be provided to accessibility liaisons, web content managers, and developers doing remediation work on their websites. We will ask Power Users to review documentation and sign an agreement. (More on this soon)
  • Site target: The default site target for all sites will now be WCAG 2.0 AA because that’s what both the Web Accessibility Procedures and the IT Accessibility Policy require. Power Users may choose to apply a more stringent site target for their site(s).

What will transfer to the new Siteimprove?

The following will be moved into the new account automatically:

  • All Berkeley websites (including sites that are not part of the domain, but tagged as Berkeley owned)
  • UCB Dashboard
  • Tags
  • Groups
  • Spelling decisions and words added to the dictionary

What about my data?

DAP will provide June 2023 and June 2024 WCAG 2.0 A, AA and ARIA data for your site.  Please gather any reports you wish to keep. 

What are the best ways to stay in the loop about this?

We will be sending updates via email.