What is the Siteimprove Analytics Script (previously known as "Priority Script")?
Adding this script to your website will enable Siteimprove to provide you with Traffic Analytics data for your site. Although the full Marketing Analytics suite has an additional cost, using this script will provide you with some data about the prior 30 days at no additional cost:
- Number of PDF (or other document) downloads
- Clicks on broken links
- Page views
Note: Using this script will not affect the performance of your site.
Here is a screenshot of the Analytics Script code to install:
(Note: It is not possible to share a plain text version of this code. We apologize for the incovenience. You can copy/paste a generic version of the snippet from Siteimprove-- just be sure to add our account code, 6294756 in place of the Xs.)
Where do I put the Analytics Script?
Your Content Management System may have a field specifically for adding tracking code. This is the easiest method.
Otherwise, if you have access to your website’s HTML, place the script on every page of your site right above the closing body tag, </body>.
Note: If you're using Content Security Policy (CSP), you’ll need to add rules to ensure that the data collection will work. For more information about CSPs, review Allowing the tracking script.
Is this required?
Yes, going forward the Digital Accessibility Program will require that all sites that are in scope of the Consent Decree (Berkeleley.edu sites) install the Analytics Script.
What about security and privacy requirements?
Siteimprove anonymizes IP addresses and does not collect IP addresses. Siteimprove is also GDPR compliant and uses cookieless tracking. Learn more about Siteimprove's Privacy policies.
Will this work with my Open Berkeley site?
Yes! As of October 14, 2024, all Open Berkeley sites will use the Analytics Script. Learn about Siteimprove integration with Open Berkeley websites.
What are the benefits?
The analytics provided will show you which pages and documents your website visitors are using the most. You can use this information to help you prioritize remediation.
Currently, we are using Siteimprove’s Accessibility module. If Berkeley decides to purchase the Marketing Analytics Module, your site will be ready!