There are four roles in Berkeley’s new Siteimprove Account:
- User
- Power User
- Admin
- Owner
Upon login with your CalNet ID / SSO, you will immediately have a User account, and you will have view-only access to data for all sites in the account.
The User account will meet the needs of most users. With a user account, you can:
- View dashboards for your site(s) (and Groups, if applicable)
- View issues for your site(s)
- View page reports
- Request page-level recrawls to check your fixes
- View the scan history
- Export data and send reports
- Coming soon: Set up automated monthly email reporting
Power Users
The Power User role was created for a small number of users to have additional functionality. Generally, Power Users will be digital accessibility liaisons, communications leads, and developers engaged in remediation. Because this role has the ability to make some changes to settings and configurations, there are additional requirements:
- Review training materials (listed in the Power User Agreement)
- Approval from your department’s digital accessibility liaison
- Must be an individual (not a SPA account)
- Must be regular staff or vendor developer, not a student employee
- Must sign and submit the Power User Agreement
Power users will be able to do all the things that Users can do, plus:
- Dismiss broken links
- Create and manage Groups
- Apply spelling decisions
- Request deeplinking
- Create and manage policies
- Set up automated monthly email reporting
- Coming soon: Review potential issues and dismiss false positives
Why SPAs can’t be Power Users
- Each Power User needs to submit the power user agreement form, as an individual. Because we don’t have insight into the members of a SPA account, we can’t know if all members have completed the power user agreement.
- The Power User role has the ability to make changes to settings and configurations in Siteimprove. Allowing shared SPA accounts would introduce security vulnerabilities, limits our ability to manage access, and hinders accountability.
Action | User | Power User |
View issues, page reports, and dashboards | Yes | Yes |
Request page-level recrawls | Yes | Yes |
View scan history |
Yes | Yes |
Export data and send reports |
Yes | Yes |
Set up automated email reports | Coming soon | Yes |
Create and manage Groups |
No | Yes |
Dismiss broken links, apply spelling decisions | No | Yes |
Request deeplinking | No | Yes |
Create and manage policies, create dashboards | No | Yes |
Dismiss false positives, review potential issues | No | Coming soon |
Adding and removing websites, Users, and Power Users; edit Tags | No | No |