How do I find my PDFs and digital documents in Siteimprove?

Please see our Siteimprove Help page if you need assistance getting access to Siteimprove. 

To review all of the digital documents on your site: 

  1. Navigate to your website’s dashboard

  2. Select Quality Assurance in the left navigation

  3. Select Inventory

  4. Select Documents

  5. Select All Documents 

Screenshot from Siteimprove showing steps to read the all document's tab in the interface.

Screenshot from Siteimprove showing all the document types available to view. A big red arrow points toward "All Document" link.

From here, you will be able to see a full list of all found digital documents on your site. This page lists detailed information on document name, the size, type, and location of your document, the last modification date, and the number of views your document has received in the past 30 days. 

Siteimprove may not find all of the documents you have available on your site. It is ultimately your responsibility to ensure you know the status of all of your digital documents. 

To review just your site’s PDF’s:

  1. Navigate to your webpage’s dashboard

  2. Select Accessibility in the left navigation 

  3. Select PDF’s

Screenshot from Siteimprove that shows website dashboard. A big red arrow points toward "Accessibility".

Screenshot from Siteimprove that shows a big red arrow pointing toward the "PDFs" link in the accessibility menu.

This page delivered a more detailed view of the automated Siteimprove scans of your PDFs. Siteimprove is unable to tell if a document is fully accessible - manual testing is required to ensure all documents meet WCAG 2.0 AA standards. 

Please see our digital document training resources for more information on how to manually check your documents.